“Particularly impressive to me were his way of approaching and valuing the collaboration with a highly diverse group of customers. This skillset tremendously benefited the global and intercultural cooperation in our division.”

Frank Bechtloff

“Since Mr. Gretzschel was put in charge, the communication between the Japanese division and headquarters improved by a lot on all levels – the foundation for international cooperation.”

Charles Chang
(Managing Director),

“Mr. Gretzschel managed his role as a professional leader to my operations team in a highly skilled manner. He lived as role model for the “manage, lead and coach” concept and motivated all team members to seek
improvements wherever possible.”

Anjan Ghosal
(General Manager),

“Mr. Gretzschel radiates a powerful composure and calmness. He possesses a high level of professionality, sovereignty, and authenticity.”

Nadine Zimper
(Life and Business Coach),

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